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    Avui sóc orgullosa del meu temps

    Poem of Montserrat Abelló readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Somni de temps absent

    Poem of Montserrat Abelló readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    El vent damunt la pell

    Poem of Montserrat Abelló readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    De quan ençà espero?

    Poem of Montserrat Abelló readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Plaer de viure

    Poem of Montserrat Abelló readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Poem of Montserrat Abelló readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Tot és un immens buit

    Poem of Montserrat Abelló readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Deixa que el vent

    Poem of XXX readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Some Translations

    The page "Literary translations from Catalan into English" has a list of translations of poems written by Montserrat Abelló.

  • Poetry As Drawing
  • Massa mare
  • Música de poetes
  • Premi LletrA