- web
Magisteri Teatre-Mag Poesia
A page with a lot of poems and information about Palau's works for the stage as well as images from a recital of "i la sang se'ns ha tornat quatre vegades vermella" (and the blood has been returned to us four times red).
- web
Selection of Catalan Poetry
Four poems: "Jo em donaria a qui em volgués" [I'd Give Myself to Whoever Wanted Me], "La sabata" [The Shoe], "Poeta-Narcís" [Poet-Narcissus] and "Paradís atroç" [Atrocious Paradise]. The second and third of these poems are also offered in English translation.
- web
Josep Palau i Fabre
Two poems in Catalan, German and English.
- audio
Sam Abrams recites Palau i Fabre.
Sam Abrams recites Palau i Fabre.