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Selection of Catalan Poetry
Brief biographical note and the poems "Record de Solsona" (Solsona Memory), "Cançó de suburbi" (Song of the Suburbs), "Vinyes verdes" (Green Vines), "A una nova amiga" (To a New Lady Friend) and "Cançó de pluja" (Rain Song).
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Magisteri Teatre-Mag Poesia
The Mag Poesia page offers a wide selection of Sagarra's satirical poems.
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"El nostre avantprojecte de Constitució" [Our Draft of the Constitution]
An ironic political poem published in the review El Be Negre (7 July, 1931). In Tinta xinesa weblog.
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Songs of Sagarra
Poems by Sagarra set to music by Catalan singers.