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    Magisteri Teatre-Mag Poesia

    Reproduction of the poems: "El matí i tu" ("The Morning and You"), "Cinc invocacions" ("Five Invocations") and "Tres poemes inútils per a dos pintors que volen reinventar el món" ("Three Useless Poems for Two Painters Who Want to Reinvent the World").

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    Joan Fuster

    Prose fragments in Catalan, English and German.

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    "Qüestió de noms" (A Question of Names)

    Reproduction of a text by Fuster on the denominations for the inhabitants of different Catalan-speaking territories.

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    Antologia de textos (Anthology of Texts)

    In the Joan Fuster Library there is a good digital selection of the author's texts. Francesc Pérez i Moragón did the selection and wrote the Prologue.

  • Poetry As Drawing
  • Massa mare
  • Música de poetes
  • Premi LletrA