- web
Joan Francesc Mira on the Lletra website in Catalan
Including more resources and reading suggestions.
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Lletra d'Or Prize
Lletra page devoted to the Lletra d'Or Prize, which the author won for Crítica de la nació pura (Criticism of the Pure Nation).
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Prize of Honour of Catalan Literature
Lletra page devoted to the Prize of Honour of Catalan Literature awarded to the writer in 2004.
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Website of the AELC
Biography, information, works.
- web
"A València es troba poquíssima literatura catalana" (In Valencia There's Very Little Catalan Literature)catalan
Interview with Joan Francesc Mira on the programme "Alexandria" (21/09/04).
- pdf
"Els treballs guanyats" (Works Gained)
Vicenç Llorca writes about the author in Avui (16/12/04).