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    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Tanca els llavis del dia

    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Niu i sepulcre

    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    La mort

    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    El viatge

    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Desem el passat en la memòria

    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Déu és el temps

    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

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    Aquell qui encara no ha nascut

    Poem of Carles Duarte readed by the author and translated into different languages, in the virtual place Lyrikline.

  • Poetry As Drawing
  • Massa mare
  • Música de poetes
  • Premi LletrA