
  • web

    Bartra’s Entire Poetic Work in Digital Format

    Includes Obra poètica completa: 1938-1972 (Complete Poetic Works: 1938 - 1982) and Obra poètica completa: 1972-1982 (Complete Poetic Works: 1972 - 1982). In the Biblioteca del Exilio (Library of Exile).

  • web

    Selection of Catalan Poetry

    Reproduces three poems: "Quan de mi, finalment, sols quedaran les lletres..." (When of Me, in the End, Only Letters Shall Remain), "El nou dia" (The New Day) and "A molts llocs d'aquest món" (In Many Parts of This World).

  • web

    Magisteri Teatre-Mag Poesia

    Includes poems from the books L'arbre de foc (Tree of Fire), L'evangeli del vent (Gospel of the Wind), Poemes del retorn (Homecoming Poems), Els himnes (Hymns), Soleia (Soleia) L'home auroral (The Man of Dawn) and others, along with several translations of English poems.

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    "Les violetes" (The Violets) and "Les veus de la terra" (Voices of the Earth)

    Two poems from "sèrie Alfa, Fulls temporals d'art i literature" (Alpha Series, Temporary Pages of Art and Literature).

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    On Feliu Formosa

    Prologue by Agustí Bartra in the volume of poems Llibre dels viatges (Book of Journeys) by Feliu Formosa.

  • Poetry As Drawing
  • Massa mare
  • Música de poetes
  • Premi LletrA